24 research outputs found

    Czy katalogowanie ma przyszłość? Dwugłos względnie uporządkowany

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    Is there the future of cataloguing? Fairly-ordered dialogue (Małgorzata Kisilowska): The text refers to cataloguing as a method of organizing knowledge and perceiving the world. This confirms the necessity of maintaining this process in libraries and information centers. However, its optimalization in regard to information needs and competencies of the users shall be emphasized, as offering them individual searching requires improvement of information retrieval tools. There is also a question of catalogues’ objectiveness, for example in the light of cultural differences among the users and the information professionals. Is there the future of subject cataloguing? (Jadwiga Woźniak-Kasperek): The paper presents the author’s opinion on the future of subject cataloging. She tries to answer two questions: What are the pros and cons of subject headings systems; Is this the relevant time to announce the end of controlled indexing and indexing vocabularies

    „Odporność bibliotek” – analiza SWOT w kontekście doświadczenia pandemii

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    This article provides a SWOT analysis insights on Polish public libraries in the wake of the experience of the pandemic and in the light of complexity of the challenges in the efforts to consolidate the institutional resilience of libraries and their involvement in the development of this resilience within the local communities in which they operate. The phenomenon of the library resilience is discussed on the basis of currently available literature. The results of the SWOT analysis are presented, followed by the conclusions on the assessment of the resilience of the institutions under scrutiny in this study. The conclusions focus on the strengths of libraries, but also reveal the lack of any crisis management provisions and procedures and thus indicate the need for their imminent implementation.Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników analizy SWOT dotyczącej polskich bibliotek publicznych po doświadczeniu pandemii, w kontekście budowania przez nie odporności instytucjonalnej oraz udziału w rozwijaniu odporności społeczności lokalnych, w których funkcjonują. W tekście omówiono zjawisko odporności bibliotek na podstawie dostępnej literatury przedmiotu, zaprezentowano wyniki analizy SWOT i wnioski dotyczące oceny odporności placówek będących przedmiotem badania. Zwrócono uwagę na mocne strony bibliotek, na brak zarządzania kryzysowego i potrzebę jego wdrożenia

    Czy katalogowanie ma przyszłość? Dwugłos względnie uporządkowany

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    Is there the future of cataloguing? Fairly-ordered dialogue (Małgorzata Kisilowska): The text refers to cataloguing as a method of organizing knowledge and perceiving the world. This confirms the necessity of maintaining this process in libraries and information centers. However, its optimalization in regard to information needs and competencies of the users shall be emphasized, as offering them individual searching requires improvement of information retrieval tools. There is also a question of catalogues’ objectiveness, for example in the light of cultural differences among the users and the information professionals. Is there the future of subject cataloguing? (Jadwiga Woźniak-Kasperek): The paper presents the author’s opinion on the future of subject cataloging. She tries to answer two questions: What are the pros and cons of subject headings systems; Is this the relevant time to announce the end of controlled indexing and indexing vocabularies

    The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences

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    The Framework Catalogue of Digital Competences Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska (2015

    Ramowy Katalog Kompetencji Cyfrowych

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    Ramowy Katalog Kompetencji Cyfrowych Justyna Jasiewicz, Mirosław Filiciak, Anna Mierzecka, Kamil Śliwowski, Andrzej Klimczuk, Małgorzata Kisilowska, Alek Tarkowski & Jacek Zadrożny Centrum Cyfrowe Projekt: Polska (2015

    Taksonomia funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych oraz metodologia pomiaru poziomu funkcjonalnych kompetencji cyfrowych osób z pokolenia 50+

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    The report was released by the Association "Cities in the Internet". Its aim is to develop a functional model and a directory of digital skills. It presents an analysis of research and literature, taxonomies digital skills and project functional measurement of digital literacy. The report was made under the "System Project - promoting the development of broadband", implemented by the Ministry of Administration and Digitization and the "Cities on the Internet" under the slogan "Poland Digital Equal Opportunities"

    Health information literacy. Biblioteki na zdrowie!

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    The author presents the current state of knowledge and practice in teaching information literacy and its role in human life. Furthermore, some examples of international recommendations in this field, educational programs, accomplished projects and research materials are presented. Because only few such examples can be found among Polish libraries, the author proposes a set of activities and tasks possible to achieve under the circumstances defined both by the health and information policy of the European Union on the one hand and by the potential of Polish health system and library network on the other hand

    "Binging" - chwilowa moda czy trwała zmiana w sposobie konsumpcji mediów?

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    "Bingowanie" - zwłaszcza "binge-watching" - staje się przedmiotem zainteresowania nauk o komunikacji i mediach. Po kilku dekadach oglądania treści audiowizualnych w porządku ustalonym programem telewizyjnym, widzowie zyskali autonomię jeśli chodzi o wybór treści i sposobu oglądania. Celem artykułu jest analiza czynników wpływających na utrwalenie "binge-watchingu" jako specyficznego sposobu konsumpcji mediów. Do jego realizacji zastosowano metodę analizy literatury przedmiotu. Wśród badanych czynników uwzględniono: różne sposoby definiowania zjawiska, synonimy, zastosowanie określenia "binging" do różnych formatów mediów ("binge-watching" - "binge-listening" - "binge-reading" - "binge-gaming"), uwarunkowania techniczne i społeczne. Zwrócono uwagę na ich zróżnicowanie pod względem jakości i skali. W wyniku przeprowadzonej analizy stwierdzono, że - uwzględniając zróżnicowanie mediów, ich dostępność i sposoby odbioru - "binging" stanie się jedną z form konsumpcji mediów w celach rozrywkowych, nie będzie jednak formą dominującą. Wartością poznawczą artykułu jest przygotowanie podstawy teoretycznej do dalszych badań ilościowych i jakościowych nad recepcją różnych formatów i gatunków medialnych, w tym nad odbiorem noszącym cechy "bingowania".Binging - and binge-watching in particular - has been receiving growing interest from communication scientists for a couple of years. Thus, after five decades of watching audiovisual content according to TV schedules, a recipient gained more autonomy regarding the content and ways of watching. The author aims to analyse the factors influencing the potential permanence of this specific way of media consumption, with literature review as the main method. These factors include different definitions of the concept, synonyms, applying the "binging" term to different media formats (binge-watching - binge-listening - binge-reading - binge-gaming), technological and social circumstances. These factors differ in their quality and scale. Will their convergence and synergy permanently change the practices of media consumption? Referring to previous changes in media differentiation, accessibility, and reception, although binging would probably become rather next, but not the dominating form of media practices of leisure time. The cognitive value of the article is to offer a theoretical basis for further quantitative and qualitative research on the reception of different media formats and genres; binging included

    The book collection of Jan Kuglin as a source for research on the aesthetics of print in the 20th century

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    The paper describes a somewhat forgotten book collection of the outstanding Wrocław editor Jan Kuglin, in terms of the editions on print aesthetics contained therein. The collection, which is a reflection of Kuglin’s scientific passions, contains many valuable books in German, English, Polish, Russian and Czech in the field of book and printing history, editing, book design, typography, writing, graphic techniques, polygraphy, paper industry, bookbinding, etc. In the book collection of Kuglin one can find editions being examples of a perfect typography. Thus, the collection stored in the Library of the Institute of Information and Library Science of the University of Wrocław is an excellent source for research on the aesthetics of printing in the 20th century